A Blaese of Glory Name Game 2.1

Hello, hello!

Last time: Yurio officially took over! Tabi aged up, moved in, and gifted us with baby Y, Yen! Xiu aged up and moved out!

This time: Maybe baby U? Probably saying goodbye to Alyx. And Yen should be aging up to toddler, and possibly to child if I play that long.

Let’s jump in a find out, yeah? ^^

08-02-20_10-15-23 PM

Alyx does some caretaking while Yen’s parents are at work.

08-02-20_10-21-21 PM

Tabi got promoted! ^^

08-02-20_10-26-06 PM

Time to see about baby U!

08-02-20_10-32-53 PM08-02-20_10-47-30 PM

And baby U is on the way!

08-02-20_10-52-35 PM

Um. Excuse me. I realize you and Alyx know one another, but no one let you in and you don’t know this little one’s parents. >.>

Later that day . . .

08-02-20_10-55-01 PM

Yen’s aging up!

08-02-20_11-07-18 PM

Here she is! She rolled Silly for her toddler trait and she’s adorable.

08-02-20_11-34-04 PM

Okay, wow, Alyx actually spent a lot of time with her this session. XP

08-02-20_11-40-44 PM

Yurio’s working on skilling for work.

08-03-20_12-16-42 AM08-03-20_12-19-34 AM

Wow, okay. How the hell did I not realize how much I had her doing parenting stuff? Jesus, do Yurio and Tabi do anything with this kid? XD

((Well, not really lol. They try and she throws a fit, so Alyx gets to do quite a bit. XD))

08-03-20_12-27-19 AM

She does the slide all by herself, though.

She’s very proud of herself.

08-03-20_12-56-46 AM

Oh, it’s baby time!

08-03-20_12-57-35 AM

First I try to let her get her energy up a bit while Yurio does his pre-parental panic. XP

08-03-20_12-59-48 AM

Oh, look at that! This one’s gonna be the same age as their cousin!

08-03-20_1-00-10 AM08-03-20_1-01-00 AM

And we welcome baby Umber into the family!

((I was gonna name her Ursa, because I like that name and the ATLA reference lol, but if she gets chosen as heir then the name would only bring in one new letter, and Umber is only slightly longer and is almost all new letters.))

Oh, and real quick, because Olivia and Alizah just had another baby . . .

08-03-20_12-50-30 AM

Look at little Quincy! He’s adorable!

Back to the main family . . .

Aw, no, Alyx! 😦

RIP Alyx Blaese. You will be missed.

08-03-20_1-19-16 PM

Yurio’s been promoted!

08-03-20_1-21-27 PM

And Yen is being adorable.

08-03-20_1-30-11 PM

So the timing is okay, but the aim was just to get their fun and social up because they’re pretty miserable. Umber’s still an infant, so I won’t be mad if there’s no baby.

08-03-20_1-35-25 PM

. . . Guess we should be looking forward to baby R, eh?

08-03-20_1-36-27 PM

But for the moment we’ve got babies Y and U to care for. 😛

08-03-20_1-38-58 PM08-03-20_1-49-05 PM

Yurio and Tabi take turns passing out on the floor before making it into bed for the night. Their needs are tanked.

08-03-20_1-54-57 PM

Oh, and there’s the official announcement! Baby R is on the way!

08-03-20_1-55-57 PM

Just in time for Umber’s toddler birthday!

08-03-20_2-02-31 PM

A quick picture of pre-makeover Umber sitting with Yen and eating some pizza. ^^

08-03-20_2-06-52 PM

And here she is! She rolled Fussy for her toddler trait and inherited Yurio’s ridiculous eyebrows. XD

08-03-20_2-15-35 PM

Aww the snuggle interaction is so cute. I never use it but it’s adorable.

08-03-20_2-28-08 PM

Luke got a girl pregnant! 😀

08-03-20_2-32-58 PM

Dear god. I feel like I said this about . . . Alizah, maybe? Or a kid in the ISBI, but my game’s just full of defiant toddlers lately. Usually my toddlers are pretty agreeable, with the occasional ‘no! I don’t wanna!’ but lately it’s all ‘no! I don’t wanna!’ and none of the agreement.

08-03-20_2-42-28 PM

Yen mastered potty! Pretty sure that was the last skill she needed to raise for Happy Toddler. ^^

08-03-20_2-44-10 PM

Have some Yurio being cute with his kiddo while she’s being sweet. XP

08-03-20_3-17-01 PM

Promotion for Tabi!

08-03-20_3-43-09 PM08-03-20_3-51-41 PM

It’s Yen’s birthday! ^^

She wants to be a Rambunctious Scamp and rolled ADHD for her childhood trait.

I mean, I kinda wanna just. Sigh But ADHD is genetic, and it’s in a solid like, 3 generations at least in my family. XP

08-03-20_3-56-15 PM08-03-20_4-04-18 PM

Why is everyone coming into the house without being invited?!

08-03-20_4-15-08 PM

Okay, for all the things there are for children to do, either we need more for the toddlers or I need to find what’s already in the game. For some reason Umber’s a lot more difficult than Yen was.

08-03-20_4-19-39 PM

Oh, hey, baby R is incoming!

08-03-20_4-21-13 PM08-03-20_4-23-30 PM

And it’s a boy! Welcome to the family, River!

On that note, we leave the main family here for the night. Before actually signing off, though, check out the newest addition to Alizah’s little family:

08-03-20_2-53-51 PM

Isn’t he cute? ❤

Next time: Birthdays! More babies, I’m sure. Maybe a move? Because somehow I’m still sick of Brindleton Bay lol. Maybe they’ll move to Sulani . . .

We’ll find out next time.

I’ll see you all then, yeah? ^^

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